Freshconnect Integration

Using the Freshdesk + Freshconnect integration
How do I install Freshconnect for my Freshdesk account? If you are a user who has just signed up for Freshdesk after 27th August 2018, Congratulations! Fre...
Fri, 10 Feb, 2023 at 11:47 AM
The Freshdesk + Freshconnect integration FAQ
I already use Team Huddle. How will the launch of Freshconnect affect me? Freshconnect will be replacing Team Huddle moving forward. However this release ...
Fri, 10 Feb, 2023 at 11:47 AM
Freshdesk + Freshconnect - Migration FAQ
Starting this week, we are migrating Freshdesk users using Team Huddle to the Freshdesk-Freshconnect integration. Here we answer some of the most frequently...
Fri, 10 Feb, 2023 at 11:49 AM