For businesses that charge clients on the basis of time, keeping track of time-spent and generating timesheet reports to invoice them is a vital ability; as it is for service providers, who need to analyze billable vs. non-billable hours. Even for businesses that don’t charge on that basis, however, information such as which tickets take up the most time or which agents require more time for particular tickets can provide useful insights.

The Time-tracking feature in Freshdesk lets you track the time spent supporting customers by each agent, thereby giving you a deeper visibility on your overall helpdesk performance. Freshdesk lets agents track the time they spend on a ticket using start and stop timers, and agents can also manually log the time they've spent (adding details through comments if required).

In case agents forget to stop a running timer on a ticket, Freshdesk automatically stops it for them as soon as the agent starts the timer on a different ticket.

A quick guide to automatically tracking time

  • From any ticket, click More > Log time.

  • To start tracking time, click Start Timer and continue working on the ticket.
  • A new time entry will be added to the ticket, and the timer will begin.
  • Click Stop in the time entry to stop the timer (and Start to resume).
  • Click Edit to edit your timesheet entry manually.
  • Check Billable to log this entry as billable in your timesheet reports; otherwise, time spent will be non-billable.
  • Click Save when done.

A quick guide to manually tracking time

  • From any ticket, click More > Log time.
  • Enter the amount of time spent on this ticket under HH:MM.
  • Add comments or details of activities done under Note.
  • Click Save to record this time entry.
  • You can edit previously logged time entries by clicking Edit.

If your team is tracking time on tickets, you can generate timesheets and analyze the time spent filtered by customers, groups of customers, or even agents; click here to learn more about the Time Sheet Summary report.

For businesses that charge clients for supporting them, keeping track of time-spent and generating timesheet reports to invoice them is a critical capability. For service providers, analyzing billable vs non-billable time spent right from within the help desk becomes paramount. But even for businesses that don’t, keeping a tab on which agents spend how much time on which tickets, and which types of tickets seem to take up the most hours provides useful insights to scale and manage the support efforts.  

Time tracking

Time tracking feature in Freshdesk lets you track time spent by each agent supporting customers and thereby gain a deeper visibility on the overall helpdesk performance. Freshdesk lets agents track the time they spend on a ticket using start and stop timers. Agents can also manually log the time they have spent, and detail their activities during this period by adding comments.

In case agents forget to stop a running timer on a ticket, Freshdesk automatically stops it for them as soon as the agent starts the timer on a different ticket.

A quick guide to track time automatically

  • Open any Ticket to start working on it.
  • Click on More > Add Time.

  • To start tracking time, click Start Timer and continue working on the ticket.

  • A new time entry is added to the ticket and the timer starts running.
  • Click on the Stop Timer link in the time entry once to Stop Timer.
  • You can click on Start Timer again at any time to resume the timer.
  • Click on the Edit link to edit your timesheet entry manually. 
  • Check the box that says Billable to log this entry as billable in your timesheet reports.
  • For non-billable time spent, uncheck this box.
  • Click Update when done.

A quick guide to tracking time manually

  • Open any ticket to start working on it.
  • Click on Add Time.
  • Enter the amount of time spent on this ticket under Hours.
  • Add comments or details of activities done under Note.
  • Click Save to record this time entry.
  • You can edit your logged time entries by clicking on Edit corresponding to the entry.

If your team is tracking time on tickets, you can generate timesheets and analyze the time spent filtered by customers, groups of customers, or even agents. Learn more about the Time Sheet Summary report.