The customized table view allows agents to add or customize the fields they see in the Table View of their tickets page.

By adding custom fields, agents can lookup the data they need immediately, without having to view the ticket properties of each individual ticket. The customised table view can help you have prioritise the fields on a table and resolve tickets faster.

Steps to customize your table view:

  • Switch to Table View in your Ticket page by clicking on the Table View icon on the top right.

  • Click on the edit icon next to the Table Headers. 
  • In the dropdown, select the fields you wish to add or retain on your Table View. 

  • Drag the fields up or down, to rearrange the fields or order them. 

  • You can also search for the desired field and add it to your Table View.

  • Click on Apply for the changes to reflect on your customized table view. 

Note: You cannot add the “Product”, “Source”, “Internal Agent/Group” as one of the fields