The performance distribution report lets a customer support manager understand how the support operation effort is distributed based on time metrics.

The time analysis graph helps a CSM understand response time, first response time and next response metrics are trending during the select time. 

For example, It is possible that agents maintain a very good first response time but their response time might be longer which will affect overall customer satisfaction.

As a supervisor, you can look at it at an individual level and understand how to improve their performance better

The performance distribution report focuses on the agent/group performance metrics such as first response time, average response time, and resolution time. The time taken is calculated based on the business hour that applies to each ticket. For example, 24 hours equals 1 day if you have 24x7 support, and 4 days if you have a 6x5 hour workday.

Metrics and what they stand for:

First response time

Average response time

Resolution time

Definition of metrics

Time is taken by the agent to send the first response on a ticket 

The average time taken by the agent to respond to the ticket requester

Time is taken by the agent to resolve a ticket

Tickets included

Tickets whose first responses were sent during the selected period

Tickets whose responses were sent during the selected period

Tickets that were resolved in the selected time period

Time ranges

10 time buckets ranging from <15 minutes to 48+ hours

10 time buckets ranging from <15 minutes to 48+ hours

10 time buckets ranging from <15 minutes to 48+ hours

Each of these metrics is showcased in their corresponding widgets split by time (day, week, month, quarter). You will be able to deep dive into each bucket by clicking on the widget.

Ticket drill-down

Click on any widget in the report for a detailed drill-down of tickets in the specified time period. 

Below the graph, expand the 'Show Tabular Data' accordion to see the underlying raw data that fuels it. It will bring up a list of tickets that are associated with the chosen widget. You can use the gear button to select the various fields and properties you want to be added as columns to the table. The 'Ticket ID' column will give you the list of ticket IDs along with a link that will take you to the ticket.

For example, if you click on 'Show Tabular Data' under the 'First response time' widget, you will be able to see all the tickets grouped by their first response time during the selected time period. If you see an abnormal spike/dip for a specific time range bucket, you can find out what is causing it and take necessary actions.

Custom drill-down

Click on any data point in your graph and a group-by drill-down will pop up. You can now dissect it by any dimension of your choice. 

For example, in the 'First response time' widget, you can add an additional 'Group by' - Top 5 Agents/Groups. This helps you understand which agent/group is able to respond to and resolve maximum tickets quickly and which agent/group takes too long.

Average first response, Response, & Resolution time widgets

These widgets show the daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly performances of these metrics - Average First Response time, Average Response time, and Average Resolution time. When you hover over a data point, you can see the 

  • The average time is taken to send all the first responses in that time period 

  • Average average time taken to send any response to a requester in that time period

  • Average of time taken to resolve tickets in that time period

If you'd like to study the trends of each of these metrics and compare them with the previous time period (eg: Avg Response time in week 1 vs Avg Response time in week 2), or compare one metric against another (eg: Avg Response time vs Avg Resolution time), you can create a new report and customize it to suit your needs.