Ticket drill-downGarden +
Custom drill-downEstate +
Custom property widgetEstate +

The Reopened tickets widget available in the Helpdesk Ticket Volume report shows the number of tickets reopened and split by properties like Source, Status, Priority, etc., during the selected time period. These tickets may have been created anytime (inside or outside the selected time period) but should have been reopened in this specified time period. 

Ticket Filters

The Helpdesk Ticket Volume report can be filtered based on all the ticket properties, default, and custom, including Tags. Using filters, you can measure the performance of a particular agent/group in terms of accurate ticket resolution.

This also lets you mix and match different properties and metrics. For example, you can see which agent has the most reopened tickets in the selected period or which type of tickets have reopened a lot, and which group handles those tickets.

Tickets reopened split by Source

This widget shows the breakup of tickets reopened during the selected time period based on their current source. You can immediately see if the number of tickets reopened is not proportionate to the number of tickets created through each channel. For example, if you see that a lot of tickets are created through the phone channel, but they are not reopened as much as others, you can encourage your agents to use the phone channel more.

Tickets reopened split by Priority

This widget shows the breakup of tickets reopened during the selected time period based on their current priority. You will be able to see how many 'Urgent' and 'High' priority tickets were reopened. 

Tickets reopened split by Type

This widget shows the breakup of tickets reopened during the selected time period based on their current type. You will be able to see what type of tickets are reopened the most in your helpdesk and helps you make decisions accordingly. For example, if most of your tickets are of the 'Troubleshooting' type, it's a good time for you to create a step-by-step troubleshooting guide that makes sure that agents don't prematurely close tickets.

Tickets reopened split by Custom Properties

This widget shows the breakup of tickets reopened during the selected time period based on any custom property. If you have multiple custom properties, you can choose any of them from the drop-down and see the tickets reopened split by that property. Please note that custom text fields will not be available in the dropdown for the selection.