Ticket drill-downGarden +
Custom drill-downEstate +
Custom property widgetEstate +

The Created tickets widgets on the first fold of the Helpdesk Ticket Volume report show the number of tickets created and split by properties like Source, Status, Priority, etc., during the selected time period.

Ticket Filters

The Helpdesk ticket volume report can be filtered based on all the ticket properties, default, and custom, including Tags. Using filters, you can see what kind of tickets a particular agent/group deals with and make sure that they aren't overloaded. 

This also lets you mix and match different properties and metrics. For example, you can see how many high-priority tickets created during the selected period still have Open status or which Types of tickets were created through the Social channels.

Tickets created split by Source

This widget shows the breakup of tickets created during the selected time period based on their current source. You will be able to see which channels bring in a lot of tickets (and need more attention) and which channels bring in the minimum number of tickets. 

Tickets created split by Priority

This widget shows the break-up of tickets created during the selected time period based on their current priority. You will be able to see how many Urgent and High priority questions were created and you can use the filters to find out if they were resolved.

Tickets created split by Status

This widget shows the breakup of tickets created during the selected time period based on their current status. You will be able to find out which status most of the tickets have been stuck in. For example, if you see that too many tickets are in Waiting on third-party, you might want to consider reducing the dependency on third parties. Or if you see most of them are on Waiting on the customer, you can set up an escalation email to be sent automatically to customers when the ticket has been in that status for a few days.

Tickets created split by Type

This widget shows the breakup of tickets created during the selected time period based on their current type. You will be able to see what type of tickets are created the most in your helpdesk and helps you make decisions accordingly. For example, if most of your tickets are of 'How-to' or 'Question' type, it's a good time for you to create a Knowledge Base with answers for FAQs (or update the existing one). 

Tickets created split by Custom Properties (Estate +)

This widget shows the breakup of tickets created during the selected time period based on any custom property. If you have multiple custom properties, you can choose any of them from the dropdown and see the tickets created split by that property. Please note that custom text fields will not be available in the dropdown for selection.