Automations save you both time and effort by automatically performing repetitive tasks - letting your agents focus on solving customer problems. 

In Freshdesk, there are three kinds of automations- 

Automation rules that run on/can be executed onWhat does it do?Examples
Ticket creationRuns on every ticket as soon as it's created
  • Prioritize customer enquiries that have words like “urgent” “Unhappy” etc. 
  • Assign tickets from certain companies to a group
Time triggersScans all your tickets once every hour and checks if a ticket has been under a condition for a certain time period. 
  • Remind teams that you’re collaborating with to respond to tickets 
  • Close tickets that have no activity in a few days or weeks time
Ticket updates
Keeps a constant watch on all tickets for updates. Depending on the update, you can automate follow up actions.
  • Alert the right people when you receive bad CSAT rating 
  • Flag tickets when an agent's email doesn't reach your customer's inbox

Automation rules that run on ticket creation:

It runs on a ticket as soon as it's created, and never runs again on the same ticket. 

The automation can be used to automatically perform actions such as:

  • Setting ticket priority to Urgent based on which contact/company created the ticket
  • Assigning tickets to different agents based on the contents of the subject or description
  • Deleting spam, auto-replies, and out-of-office emails before they appear on your ticket list
  • Assigning tickets to different groups based on the ticket requester's timezone
  • Sending an email notification to customers raising a specific kind of request

The order of the rules is important because only the first matching rule will be executed for each ticket. For example, if you've set up the following rules in this order:

  1. Assign tickets containing the word 'refund' to the Refund team
  2. Assign tickets from requester X to the Relationship Management team
Any ticket sent by X with the subject 'need a refund' will be assigned to the Refund team but not the Relationship Management team. 

You can also choose to have your automation rule execute all matching rules by clicking on the gear button on the list page and choosing the 'Execute all matching rules' option.

Learn how to set up an automation rule to run on ticket creation here -->

Automation rules that run on time triggers:

It runs on all the tickets in your Freshdesk once per hour.

This automation can be used for maintenance work such as:

  • Closing resolved tickets after 48 hours if the customer hasn't responded
  • Notifying the manager when there are too many agent/customer interactions in a ticket which has been open for a long time
  • Reminding the agent to respond to a ticket which received a requester response a set amount of time ago

Since this rule runs once per hour, the time limit specified should always be greater than or equal to one hour. All these rules will be executed in the order in which the rules are arranged.

Learn how to set up an automation rule to run on time triggers here -->

Automation rules that run on ticket updates:

It is triggered by the occurrence of an event. You can specify what action should be performed on what kind of tickets when the events are performed by either an agent or a requester.

This automation can be used to perform important actions such as:

  • Reassigning a ticket once the ticket priority is changed 
  • Notifying the manager when an agent receives a bad satisfaction rating
  • Triggering webhooks (to send a text message to the agent when the requester replies and so on)
  • Tagging a ticket with Bug when the group is updated from support to development

All these rules will be executed in the order in which the rules are arranged.