Roles allow you to create special privileges and profiles that specify what an agent can see and do within your Freshdesk support portal. These roles help you categorize your team into different sections, and assign them different capabilities so that they can do what they need to on their helpdesks without getting in each other's way. They're especially useful for larger teams, where there are different groups of employees trying to handle different areas. 


By default, Freshdesk lets you choose between 4 roles for your team members:

  • Agents: Can view, respond to and assign tickets, as well as modify ticket properties.
  • SupervisorsCan view and respond to tickets, generate reports and can also enable automatic ticket assignment of the member groups under the Admin tab.
  • Admins: Can access everything and edit configurations under the Admin tab, but cannot view or modify billing information. 
  • Account Admins: Have complete access to everything, including billing and account management.

Note:  The Restricted agent role in above image above is a custom role that you can create from the EstaPro onwards - learn more.

Each time you add a new agent to your helpdesk, you'll have to specify their role. Once you apply a role to an agent, the agent will no longer be able to view or access options or updates outside their role. For example, if an agent has the role of Agent, they won't be able to see the Admin tab.


If you assign multiple roles to an agent, the highest privileges allowed across these roles will apply. For example, if you have one role that gives a user access to your Community Forums and another that allows them to Reply to Tickets, a user with both roles will be able to access your community forums and reply to tickets. 


How to assign a role to an agent

  •  Go to Admin > Roles.
  • The number of agents belonging to each role will be displayed; just click on a role to add more agents to it.


Alternatively, you can assign roles when adding/editing an agent:

  • Login to your helpdesk portal as an Admin.
  • Go to Admin > Team > Agents to add a new agent (or hover over an existing agent in your list and click Edit.)
  • Scroll down to the Roles and Scope section, and click Associate roles.
  • Check all roles that you want to assign to this agent.
  • Click Save to save this agent’s roles.



When adding a role to a particular agent, remember to also set the scope of tickets that the agent can view. You can learn more about Roles and Ticket Scope here.

Roles allow you to create special privileges and profiles specifying what an agent can see and do within your Freshdesk support portal. These roles help you classify your team into different sections and assign them capabilities so that they get to do what they need to on their helpdesk, without getting in each other's way. They are especially useful for larger teams where there are different groups of employees trying to handle different things. 

By default, Freshdesk lets you choose between 4 roles for your team members:

  • Agents: Can view and respond to tickets, assign them, modify ticket properties, and that's about it. 
  • SupervisorsCan view and respond to tickets, generate reports and hold the ability to enable automatic ticket assignment of the member groups under the Admin tab.
  • Admins: Can access everything and edit configurations under the Admin tab, but cannot view or modify billing information. 
  • Account Admins: Have complete access to everything, including billing and account management.

Note:  The Restricted agent role in above image above is a custom role that you can create from the Estate onwards - learn more.

Every time you add a new agent to your helpdesk, you will have to specify the agent's role. Once you apply a role to an agent, the agent will no longer be able to view or access options or updates outside their role. For example, if an agent has the role of 'Agent', she will not be able to see the Admin tab.

If you set multiple roles to an agent, the highest privileges allowed across these roles would apply to this user automatically. For example, if you have one role that gives a user only access to your Community Forums, and another that only allows them to Reply to Tickets, a user with both these roles would be able to access both your community, as well as reply to tickets. 

Quick Guide to Assigning a Role to an agent: 

The easiest way to assign a role is from the Roles page under the Admin tab. You can see the number of agents belonging to each role right next to the role name. You can click on it to add more agents.

Another way to assign roles to agents is to do it when you add the agent.

  • Log into your helpdesk portal as an Administrator. 
  • Click on the Admin tab.
  • Click on the Agent icon to open the list of available agents (or add a new agent)
  • Hover over an agent in your list and click on Edit.
  • Scroll down to the Roles and Scope panel and click on the Associate roles button against Agent Role.

  • Check all Roles that you want to apply to this agent.
  • Click Save to save this agent’s roles.