What Freshdesk Omnichannel is focused on achieving: 

  1. All Customer interactions into a single platform. 
    • Single vendor: You don't need to try and create an omnichannel view as  FRESHWORKS DOES IT ALL.
    • Its a PLUG and PLAY model - quick deployment and easy self maintenance.
    • Immediate granular reporting on all channels.
  2. Agents can immediately have a contextual understanding of what the customer has raised as a support query in the past/ to date. (FULL CUSTOMER JOURNEY)
  3. The agents can respond to all support channels from a single platform: SINGLE SCREEN and Omnichannel agent enablement
  4. Big focus on Deflection and Orchestration using our drop and drag bot builder. Typically used for Whatsapp bots.
  5. Significantly better priced, large local customer base and free local support. 


  1. Overview of the Freshworks  with a summary of local customers and high level features of Freshdesk Omnichannel
  2. Detailed pack covering features of Freshdesk Omnichannel
  3. Brief demo video on Freshdesk
  4. Video on Freddy AI - bot technology.