Assigning Internal Agents and Groups using Bulk Updates:

You can also use Bulk Updates to assign a selected set of tickets to an Internal group and agent making sure to choose the status to which the Internal group(s) is mapped. 

  • Select the tickets you’d like to perform bulk actions on the Ticket List View page, and click on Bulk Update

  • Update the respective ticket Status, Internal group and agent.

  • Click on Update to execute this action.

Assigning Internal Agents and Groups using Scenarios:

You can also set up Scenarios to assign Internal agents or groups to tickets. 

  • To set up an automation, go to Admin > Agent Productivity > Scenario Automations, and click on New Scenario

  • Under Actions, you can select Assign To Internal Group/Agent as the action to be executed. If a custom ticket status hasn’t been assigned, please make sure to assign that before you add the ‘Assign to Internal Group/Agent’ action. To learn more on mapping the ticket status to the Internal group, click here

Note: The selected scenario will not be executed on tickets if the ticket status at the time of execution is not mapped to the selected Internal group.

  • You can choose the Group/Agent from the dropdown list that appears. You can also make this Scenario Automation visible to All the agents/Agents in group.

  • Click on Save.